Live Coverage: 2020 Primary Election
Welcome to live coverage of the 2020 Presidential Primaries.
Check back on this page for updates from our reporters and analysts.
The polls closed at 7:00PM, March 3rd.
Data updates every 15 minutes.
1:57 PM (3/4/20) – After a neck-and-neck race between Biden and Sanders, Maine is decided. Biden took Maine at 34.1% of the popular vote in one of the closest races from Super Tuesday. It was the final undecided state to come in, and brings the final tally from yesterday’s primaries to ten states for Biden and four for Sanders.
– Maia Penuel
11:20 AM (3/4/20) – Presidential candidate and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg dropped out of the primaries early this morning and endorsed candidate Joe Biden. This comes after the results of Super Tuesday, in which Bloomberg struggled to receive support, only winning American Samoa. The billionaire poured more than 400 billion dollars into campaign advertisements according to tracking firm Advertising Analytics.
President Donald Trump tweeted about Bloomberg’s announcement, calling Bloomberg’s campaign the “worst, and most embarrassing experience of [Bloomberg’s] life.”
– Sara George
11:00 AM (3/4/20) – Late last night, Biden took Texas. With 100% now reporting, Biden has won in the state with the second-most delegates to offer.
10:00 PM (3/3/20) – Thanks for reading our live coverage. We’ll pick up tomorrow, following any major developments.
9:56 PM (3/3/20) – Today’s primaries show just how quickly an election can turn. Joe Biden was considered to be on the verge of dropping out in December, but his victory in South Carolina prompted moderate democrats to rally to him.
Bernie Sanders struggled in a lot more states than expected, as he failed to gather any new support to his campaign, and Elizabeth Warren didn’t garner a significant amount of support.
Mike Bloomberg also suffered a loss tonight. His spending clearly failed to make up for a lackluster performance on the debate stage, and he didn’t make enough of an impression on any large voting blocks.
The election hasn’t been decided yet, but Super Tuesday has put the Democratic party on a course to the nomination: a course that looks a whole lot more moderate than it did just a month ago.
– Henry Larson
9:49 PM (3/3/20) – Super Tuesday represented a major development in Joe Biden’s campaign across the country. The results also gave Americans insight into the national appeal of Michael Bloomberg, and has seemed to solidify the roles of Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders as clear frontrunners in the US primary. The clear differences between these frontrunners mirrors the ideological differences of Democrats across America, an issue that may have an impact on the November presidential election. The goal of many Democrats across the country is to defeat president Donald Trump, but rather the results of the primary seems to highlight the divisiveness, not the unity, among the Democrats in achieving this goal.
– Sara George
9:38 PM(3/3/20) – The results of the Super Tuesday votes further established the implicit divide within the democratic party. Far left states, such as Colorado and Utah, strongly voted for the democratic socialist Bernie Sanders, who advocates for free tuition in public colleges and universal healthcare. The majority of the Super Tuesday states, however, favored former Vice President Joe Biden.
On the political right side of Sanders, Biden believes that two years of college should be free and opposes Medicare For All, but believes in the extension of healthcare coverage. Due to the fact that some democrat’s aim is solely to unseat President Donald Trump, Joe Biden is viewed as the candidate that will reach the independent voters.
The rise in the support for Biden was aided majorly by Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Senator Amy Klobuchar dropping out of the race just before Super Tuesday, allowing for only one major divide in the democratic party instead of five. In the midst of the results coming to a close, Americans can only wonder what the next eight months will look like politically.
– Ava Svolos
9:36 PM(3/3/20) -The outcome of Super Tuesday, though it doesn’t decide nominations for certain, will define the grounds of the remainder of the Democratic race. Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders have the most support currently (though that could change) and Biden seems to have more overall. Sanders appeals to young people predominantly, as older voters tend to err less radical, while Biden has a wider reach, with older people making up a much larger voting demographic. The American populace’s effects were quite clearly felt – particularly in Elizabeth Warren’s case. Warren entered Super Tuesday a viable candidate, but did not expand her position much while other candidates took delegates. Both Biden and Sanders have strong footing for the coming race.
– Alex Mohr
9:32 PM(3/3/20) – In arguably the most important day for Democratic nominations across the country, Joe Biden’s support surged after endorsements from Buttigieg and Klobuchar. His support was followed by support for Bernie Sanders, whose shortcomings today could have implications that last for the rest of the election. Bloomberg also defied predictions, coming in second and third around the country.
The primaries were, for many, a first step into voting, as young people once again showed up in unprecedented numbers to cast their ballots. Despite many definitive answers, it’s still unclear how delegates will be distributed in the end—Biden’s wins today have pulled him into the lead, but it may not be enough to secure a majority of delegates later on. T
he division and unity seen today will continue to play out in the Democratic Party, and the nation at large.
– Maia Penuel
9:26 PM(3/3/20) – Texas is still undecided. Voters, however, are leaning towards Sanders. If he does walk away with a majority in the state, it will be because of a hard fought victory. Former Presidential Candidate Beto O’Rourke endorsed Joe Biden this past weekend. Sanders has a slim majority of 28.7% of the vote.
– Henry Larson
9:15 PM(3/3/20) – California was the last primary to close today. It’s also one of the most influential ones yet. Since 2017, the California presidential primaries have taken a more important spot in deciding elections, as opposed to their former spot, dead last during the nomination process. The over 19 million registered voters in California will decide the fate of 415 pledged delegates tonight, the most out of any state.
9:13 PM(3/3/20) – Despite Warren’s shortcomings today, her presence still has a major impact. As Klobuchar and Buttigieg drop out, uniting moderates, the progressive vote is divided as ever. The increasing split between Warren and Sanders could cost progressive Democrats a spot in the presidential nomination. Today’s results could determine the path forward for Warren and Sanders, and whether they choose to unite or divide.
– Maia Penuel
9:06 PM(3/3/20) – NPR has declared California for Bernie Sanders. The Senator from Vermont took several losses today. However, as California holds the largest number of delegates of any state, it is still a major victory for Sanders.
– Henry Larson
9:03 PM(3/3/20) – “It’s the Economy, stupid,” said James Carville famously in 1992. In the face of the COVID-19 (the Coronavirus) threat, the economy is slowing down greatly, particularly in travel, airline, and hotel sectors. Schools are closing, and workers are staying home. Fewer products will be made and sold. U.S. stocks are down 11.5%. If the economy tanks, the incumbent is in trouble. How well the Trump administration manages the crisis will have a dramatic impact on voter perception, and whether undecided voters are likely to support him. Many people are critical of the Trump administration’s response so far, due to the lack of testing for the virus and false claims that the situation is under control. The future Democratic nominee must also show that they can lead at a time of crisis such as this.
– Lauren Hirschhorn
9:02 PM(3/3/20) – Texas remains uncalled. It is one of the major states of Super Tuesday – due to its size, Texas could push whichever candidate wins it to the nomination. Currently, Sanders holds a small lead over Biden. So far, however, it has remained too close to call, unlike California, the other largest state involved. Sanders and Biden are neck-and-neck in Texas currently.
– Alex Mohr
8:56 PM(3/3/20) – In his Super Tuesday speech, Bernie Sanders confidently states: “I’m cautiously optimistic that later in the evening we can win the largest state in this country, the state of California.” The polls are just about to close in the state.
– Ava Svolos
8:52 PM(3/3/20) – Joe Biden has won Massachusetts, the AP reports. It’s Elizabeth Warren’s home state, but she came in a meager third place, with 21.4% of the vote. Biden, on the other hand, took 33.4% of the vote.
– Henry Larson
8:50 PM(3/3/20) – The Associated Press has called the state of Minnesota for Joe Biden at 53.7 percent of precincts reporting. The US Senator from Minnesota, Amy Klobuchar recently endorsed Biden earlier this week after dropping out of the presidential race.
– Sara George
8:44 PM(3/3/20) – Joe Biden’s rally speech was interrupted by anti-dairy protestors. With a collection of wins across the country, Biden was speaking at a campaign rally in Los Angeles. “This campaign will send [president Donald Trump] packing,” said Biden. At the rally, two women tried to climb onto the stage disturbing his speech holding signs saying, “Let Dairy Die”. His supporters immediately came back in support chanting “Let’s go Joe”. Biden continued his speech making promises of healing the deep divides currently in the nation. “We are better than this moment, we are better than this president,” said Biden.
– Lindsay Cox
8:38 PM(3/3/20)- Minnesota offers 75 delegates and Joe Biden is the projected winner for the state. Currently he is at 37.8%, Sanders following behind at 30%. Minnesota is the home state of former presidential candidate, Amy Klobuchar. It is assumed that her endorsement for Joe Biden, which came only a day before Super Tuesday, propelled him into winning this state.
– Lindsay Cox
8:36 PM(3/3/20) – The Associated Press has called the state of Utah to go to Bernie Sanders at 35.3 percent of precincts reporting.
– Sara George
8:32 PM(3/3/20) – In Alabama, Sanders may lose the opportunity to collect any delegates. He’s currently at 16.7%, and if he loses 2% of that margin, he won’t grab any of Alabama’s 52 delegates.
8:27 PM(3/3/20) – Sanders currently leads the state of Utah with 32.2 percent of the vote at 31.84% of precincts reporting. It’s a state that he is almost certain to win.
– Sara George
8:23 PM(3/3/20) – “We cannot beat Trump with the same old, same old kind of politics,” said Sanders at a rally in Vermont. Sanders has had plenty of successes tonight, but his victories have fallen far short of a revolution.
– Henry Larson
8:18 PM(3/3/20) – Less than an hour from polls closing in California, the final state in today’s primaries, voters experience trouble in Los Angeles. The county’s completely redesigned polling system has caused numerous operation errors and long wait times outside polling centers around the city. This may be deterring voters from casting their ballots in one of the most influential states in the democratic primaries, where 415 pledged delegates make up 30% of today’s available count.
– Maia Penuel
8:11 PM(3/3/20) – The similarities in male and female votes for frontrunners Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are surprisingly similar. In the same survey by Data for Progress, 22 percent (of a total of 464 male and female voters in Colorado) of female voters find Bernie Sanders “very favorable”, while that percentage is 53 for men. 46 percent of female voters and 39 percent of male voters find him “somewhat favorable.” On the flip side, 22 percent of female voters and 16 percent of male voters find Sanders “very unfavorable.”
This data is surprisingly similar for Joe Biden. 18 percent of female voters and 11 percent of male voters find him “very favorable”. 46 percent of female voters and 39 percent of male voters find him “somewhat favorable”. Only ten percent of female voters and 28 percent of male voters find Biden “very unfavorable.”
This data is critical to consider as both candidates have endured some controversy over their view and treatment of women in the past. For Biden, allegations of maltreatment and uncomfortable situations towards women has plagued his history, and for Sanders, his confrontation with candidate Elizabeth Warren just before the Iowa Caucus did not paint him in a amiable light.
– Ava Svolos
8:05 PM(3/3/20) – In Maine, things are neck and neck. Sanders and Biden are vying for the support of voters in the Northeast. Much of the territory was initially predicted to go to Sanders, but he is now competitive with the former Vice President.
8:00 PM(3/3/20) – This is Utah’s first time voting on Super Tuesday, with a total of 29 delegates. According to the New York Times, Bernie Sanders has an 84 percent chance of winning Utah. The state also supported Sanders in the 2016 primary election, with Sanders winning 79.3 percent of the vote. Utah’s polls close right now.
– Sara George
7:56 PM(3/3/20) – The New York Times has called Colorado for Bernie Sanders. His victory in the state seems certain. 24,000 new 17 year olds were able to vote in this election, which probably had an impact on the high voter turnout and support for Sanders.
– Henry Larson
7:50 PM(3/3/20) – Colorado is the first state where the results will be called with a large percentage of Latino voters. According to exit polls, one in five voters were Latino. The majority of counties with a non-white population of at least 18% voted for Sanders.
– Maia Penuel
7:45 PM(3/3/20) – Bloomberg is at 24% in Colorado, Sanders won the state, currently awarded 6 delegates. Bloomberg had a significant percentage of the vote in Colorado which was somewhat expected as many people have been flooded with Bloomberg ads for the past three weeks and he has attracted a steady amount of moderate left leaning Democratic Colorado voters more so than opponent Joe Biden. With the current numbers it’ll be expected that Bloomberg will receive some Colorado delegates.
– Lindsay Cox
7:39 PM(3/3/20) – Sanders has taken the lead in Texas, taking 28.7% of the vote. Still, it looks like a close victory in the state with the second highest number of delegates up for grabs today.
7:35 PM(3/3/20) – Presidential candidates have spent a total of 8.9 million dollars in television political ads for the state of Colorado according to tracking firm Advertising Analytics. Michael Bloomburg has contributed to most of that money, around 7.8 million dollars in total. Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Tom Steyer have also invested in TV advertisements in the state of Colorado, while Joe Biden has not contributed to the 8.9 million.
– Sara George
7:28 PM(3/3/20) – At 13.2% of precincts reporting, Sanders takes a definite lead. Sanders has 36% of the popular vote, trailed by Bloomberg with 24% of the popular vote. Sanders has won all but three of the reporting districts, including the areas surrounding Boulder County. Sanders takes the lead in Boulder county with 34% of the popular vote.
7:18 PM(3/3/20) – All signs point to Sanders early on in the Colorado primaries. Polling data showed Sanders leading against Biden by about 10%. However, as votes are counted, new results will emerge. With less than 1% reporting, Sanders takes the lead, followed by Bloomberg, who had surprising success in Colorado. The AP has already called Colorado for Sanders.
– Maia Penuel
7:10 PM(3/3/20) – US Senator Cory Gardner voiced his support of President Donald Trump to the Independent Journal Review, despite criticizing Trump during the 2016 election. This may affect his re-election campaign, as Donald Trump currently has an approval rating of 39 percent, according to the Morning Consul.
– Sara George
7:06 PM(3/3/20) – Despite pulling ahead in the Massachusetts race, Elizabeth Warren’s lead was surpassed by Sanders and Biden. In her strongest Super Tuesday race yet, Warren has 26% of the popular vote with 6.3% reporting. Still, it wasn’t enough to win her home state as Sanders and Biden pulled ahead with 29.3% and 29.2% of the vote, respectively. As votes are counted, it will be a tight race between the two. In recent polls, Sanders was projected to win the Massachussetts primaries.
– Maia Penuel
7:00 PM(3/3/20) – Polls have now closed in Colorado. We’re waiting to see what candidate will take the lead, in an already surprisingly eventful evening.
6:53 PM(3/3/20) – With a surprising amount of support for Biden these past few hours, it seems possible that Sanders will soon lose his lead in Colorado . Results will depend on how undecided voters chose to vote leading up to today.
– Henry Larson
6:48 PM(3/3/20) – With less than ten minutes left until the Colorado polls close, it’s a tossup between Sanders and the other candidates. Although experts predicted a lead for Sanders, leading up to today, the gap between him and Biden was closing. Biden has done much better than predicted today, so it will be a close race when polls close at 7.
– Henry Larson
6:48 PM(3/3/20) – The Colorado Secretary of State’s Office posted a notice on the official election reporting page this evening. It’s written in reference to several candidates whose names were on the ballot when they were sent out, but who officially withdrew from the primaries recently.
“Notice: Michael Bennet, Pete Buttigieg, John K. Delaney and Amy Klobuchar officially withdrew as candidates for the Democratic Party. Under Colorado law, any votes cast for candidates who formally withdraw after ballots are printed are invalid and shall not be counted.”
6:44 PM(3/3/20) – Texas is currently being fought over by candidates, Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden. Joe Biden has currently taken the lead by .6 % but it is still unclear if that lead is going to be short lived or take a permanent hold for another Biden win.
– Lindsay Cox
6:40 PM(3/3/20) – California is experiencing record turnouts across the state, what does that mean for the candidates? If recent surveys suggest what will happen when polls close, Sanders will come out of California with a steep lead. Sanders’ lead, however, depends on votes from groups with historically lower voter turnout, including young people and Latinos.
– Maia Penuel
6:34 PM(3/3/20) – Something I’m interested in seeing is the impact of youth voters. Colorado is one of only 5 states today, and 17 states overall, where 17-year-olds can vote in the primaries. Young voters have historically lent themselves towards Sanders, but the Fairview community itself is somewhat split.
– Henry Larson
6:31 PM(3/3/20) – Arkansas is the only remaining state in today’s primaries that is predicted to be a win for Biden. Polls close at 6:30 for this state, where polls show Biden taking the lead, partially due to his popularity among black voters.
– Ava Svolos
6:30 PM(3/3/20) – Mike Bloomberg and Joe Biden are tied pretty closely in Tennessee, and in Oklahoma. The state was leaning towards the Vice President in polls, and it’s unlikely that Bloomberg focused on the state in his advertising.
6:26 PM(3/3/20) – The two frontrunners, Biden and Sanders, have some interesting comparative data in terms of the demographic of their voters. According to data collected by Data for Progress, in which 464 likely Colorado voters were surveyed via text-to-web, 58 percent of voters under age 45 find Sanders a “very favorable” candidate, when only 22 percent were over the age of 45. For Biden, only three percent of voters under the age of 45 find him “very favorable” compared to 21 percent for voters 45+.
– Ava Svolos
6:22 PM(3/3/20) – It looks like Bernie Sanders is going to be having a tough night. States that were leaning toward him in recent polls have seemingly flipt towards Biden. Some exit polls in North Carolina and Virginia have showed a poor turnout for voters under 30, Sanders’ key demographic.
– Henry Larson
6:19 PM(3/3/20) – In the “sunbelt,” consisting of Alabama, Arkansas, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Tennessee, poverty and the economy are driving factors. Voters will likely take into account candidates’ stances on economic matters, especially their plans to help the economy in southern states which are struggling as the US economy turns towards technology. Joe Biden is projected to be the leader in these states.
– Maia Penuel
6:18 PM(3/3/20) – With less than 1% of precincts reporting, Joe Biden is in the lead in Maine. Maine is a battleground state, and hardcore progressives like Sanders have tried to appeal to the workers in the rust belt for some time.
6:16 PM(3/3/20) – Alabama now has a projected winner, Joe Biden. Joe Biden has been called the winner by The New York Times, the state can award 52 delegates in total.
6:12 PM(3/3/20) – In the “Sun Belt,” consisting of Alabama, Arkansas, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Tennessee, poverty and the economy are driving factors. Voters will likely take into account candidates’ stances on economic matters, especially their plans to help the economy in southern states which are struggling as the US economy turns towards technology. North Carolina is the only state in the sun belt which has closed its polls, where Biden takes the lead with just 1.9% reporting.
– Maia Penuel
6:08 PM(3/3/20) – Biden is attracting a lot of college graduate, suburban voters. It’s reminiscent of the 2016 primary, and the split between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
– Henry Larson
6:06 PM(3/3/20) – Polls have closed in the 6pm states. Main, Massachusetts and Texas could swing either way, but are leaning towards Sanders. Sanders has attracted plenty of low-income voters, including many industry workers.
6:00 PM(3/3/20) Texas has 228 delegates up for grabs, it’s 2nd to California in delegates. This state could mean a tide changing win, but it is anticipated they will stay away from far left candidates such as Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.
– Maia Penuel
5:52 PM(3/3/20) – Alabama, Maine, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas will be the next states whose polls close. It’s a mix of southern states, the rust belt and the midwest. All the candidates have had successes and failures in at least a few of these states.
5:50 PM(3/3/20) – Bloomberg is doing noticeably poorly in the states thus far. This is his biggest opportunity to prove his electability to voters, and his advertisements have promised just that. Time will tell if he’ll succeed.
– Alex Mohr
5:44 PM(3/3/20) – We’re waiting on Alabama now. It’s a state in the deep south, and polls predict voters will almost certainly pick Biden. It seems like the dominant trend of the night, thus far.
– Henry Larson
5:41 PM(3/3/20) – Biden is currently in Los Angeles, California. Biden has made a campaign stop in Los Angeles speaking to voters. While California has historically voted Democratic, the main 5 competing candidates, like Joe Biden, are trying to gather support from the incredibly important state.
– Lindsay Cox
5:40 PM(3/3/20) – Bernie Sanders is at 24% of the vote in Virginia. Candidates need at least 15% of the popular vote in states to earn delegates. So far, only he and Biden have enough votes to do so.
5:38 PM(3/3/20) – Elizabeth Warren is having a rough start to the night. She began her campaign as the clear frontrunner, but her support has dropped dramatically since 2019.
– Henry Larson
5:35 PM(3/3/20) – Joe Biden is the projected winner of North Carolina. Joe Biden has gathered another win in North Carolina, as MSNBC called the race with Biden as the winner. The state offers a total of 110 delegates.
5:31 PM(3/3/20) – Joe Biden is currently in Los Angeles California. Biden has made a campaign stop in Los Angeles speaking to voters. While California has historically voted Democratic, the main 5 competing candidates, like Joe Biden, are trying to gather support from the incredibly important state.
5:25 PM(3/3/20) – The next polls to close are in North Carolina. Recent polls show Joe Biden with a clear lead in the state, with Sanders coming in a close second.
5:20 PM(3/3/20) – With 47 precincts reporting, Joe Biden has more than half the vote in Virginia. The state is set to make waves, as it’s considered by many to be a swing state in the general election. Will picking a more moderate Democrat have an impact on the candidate they choose in November?
5:16 PM(3/3/20) – What is to come of Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar’s endorsement for Joe Biden? Both Buttigieg and Klobuchar attracted a more moderate Democrat than Sanders and it has been speculated that the drop out of Buttigieg and Klobuchar will lead more voters to move over to Biden’s campaign and, in some cases, may leave room for Michael Bloomberg to attract last minute voters.
– Lindsay Cox
5:13 PM(3/3/20) – It’s going to be interesting to see the way west coast voters will differ from the east. Many of those states have a much larger Latinx community than the east coast, and they have voted with Sanders for much of the primaries thus far. In this race, many candidates have struggled to attract minority voters from every part of the country.
– Henry Larson
5:08 PM(3/3/20) – Michael Bloomberg is polling third in Virginia. The billionaire has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on advertising across the country.
5:05 PM(3/3/20) – Bernie Sanders is the projected winner of Vermont, an expected win from his home state, currently awarding him 8 delegates.
– Lindsay Cox
5:04 PM(3/3/20) – Results have started appearing in Virginia. Joe Biden has, at this time, been awarded 16 delegates from Virginia voters. The New York Times has already called the state for Biden. The state has 99 distributable delegates.
5:00 PM(3/3/20) – Polls have now closed in Virginia and Vermont. In Virginia, some precincts have experienced an uptick in turnout, although not all precincts have shared their tallies.
4:50 PM(3/3/20) – We’re about 10 minutes away from the first polls closing on the east coast. Virginia is one of those states. NPR reported that Joe Biden is leading in a new poll in the state. Bernie Sanders was beating Biden earlier in the week, up until the South Carolina Primary. It will be interesting to watch what southern voters think of the moderate candidate’s comeback.
– Henry Larson
3:30 PM(3/3/20) – Exit polls from South Carolina are showing interesting results among Bernie Sanders supporters. According to NBC News, 26% of Sanders supporters said they wouldn’t be willing to pledge their vote to the Democratic nominee if it wasn’t Sanders, compared to all Democratic voters where 80% of voters said they would support the Democratic party nominee no matter who it is.
– Lindsay Cox
10:41 AM(3/3/20) – A new poll from Data for Progress shows an improvement for Joe Biden in Colorado. He’s now at 18%, from a polling size of 464 voters, which is up almost 6% from the most recent FiveThirtyEight poll. Elizabeth Warren also jumped six points.
9:09 AM(3/3/20) – Vermont(16 delegates) and Virginia(99 delegates) are the first two states to close polls. They’ll close at 5pm. Colorado’s will close two hours later, at 7pm.
8:29 AM(3/3/20) – Good morning. We’re following developments in Tennessee, as tornados have killed at least seventeen people and has forced some polls to close. Additionally, the Denver Post reported that the Colorado Secretary of State’s office is expecting a record number of ballots to be cast in this primary.
8:53 PM(3/2/20) – You’ll find our analysis and coverage here and on Twitter. Be sure to check back tomorrow for live updates.
– Henry Larson
Need a refresher on the primary?
What is the primary?
March 3rd marks “Super Tuesday,” when fourteen different states will vote in the 2020 primary election, Colorado included. It’s an interesting year for Colorado voters, as 24,000 17-year-olds can vote in this year’s election.
Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden are the frontrunners in the Democratic primary, while Donald Trump is marked as the clear winner in the Republican primary.
How does it work?
Candidates compete for a majority of delegates, nationwide, which are assigned to them by a majority of votes in separate precincts in a state. 67 delegates are up for grabs in Colorado.
Candidates must win at least 15% of voters to get any delegates. Delegates are split up between the candidates who reach the 15% threshold, and anyone who does not reach this mark will not get any delegates.
You can find a map of all the different precincts in Colorado here.
Why does it matter?
Super Tuesday is the largest primary day in the Presidential election. It’s the day when the most delegates are up for grabs across the country(1,357), more than a third of all available delegates.
During Super Tuesday, candidates also need to focus on how the votes are distributed. To win a party nomination, candidates must win a majority of delegates, not just the most votes, to be nominated. Winning the most votes on Super Tuesday doesn’t necessarily mean an actual majority of delegates.
In Colorado, pundits will be watching what Latinx voters decide, as the state is one of three with a population significant enough to determine who does well.
What’s been happening?
Two other contenders for the Democratic nomination, Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar, dropped out of the race and endorsed Joe Biden.
The move is seen as an effort by establishment Democrats to rally around a centrist candidate, in hopes of defeating Sanders. Sanders is a Democratic-Socialist, and his policy views are seen as much more progressive than much of his party.
Who might win?
A March 1st FiveThirtyEight Poll shows Bernie Sanders with a clear lead in Colorado, with 31.0% of polled residents. Elizabeth Warren had 15.1%, Joe Biden had 12.2% and Mike Bloomberg had 10.4%.
However, much of the primary is undecided. Voters will have to track the polls as they close to find out if recent events have caused a difference in the results.
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Sara George is a senior and this is her second year in journalism. Sara loves to ski, run, listen to music, and hang out with her dog. She has been to...

This is Lindsay's second year writing for the Royal Banner. She loves pasta, playing tennis, traveling and hanging out with her dogs.

Maia is currently in her first year at FHS Publications as the new audio editor. A newcomer to the Royal Banner and FHS Publications, Maia looks forward...

Junior Lauren Hirschhorn has been an avid writer for years but has just joined FHS Publications this year. She is excited to see where it takes...

Alex is a senior. His favorite activities are playing the guitar, doing parkour, and making offbeat jokes nobody really gets. This is his second year on...

Henry loves telling stories. Mainly, that means he produces podcasts, which you can check out here. When he isn't doing something related to journalism,...

Ava Svolos is a Senior and this is her third year on the Royal Banner staff. She enjoys traveling, tennis, and being with her dogs. She is excited to be...
Bill Lochte • Mar 4, 2020 at 5:26 AM
It’s encouraging to see young people engaged in the political arena.
Your up to date analysis is impressive!