The Art of Procrastination

Ari Soto, Photo Manager

Through the many tests, countless projects, numerous quizzes, and the never-ending presentations, there is one thing that most students have succumbed to at this point in their high school career: the procrastination epidemic.


According to Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary, procrastination is “to put off intentionally or habitually.” Or, by extension, “to put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done.”


Whether you take advanced classes or not there has been at least one point in your high school career that has happened or will happen where you will think, “Ummm… I’ll do it later.”


As sophomore Laura Millard said, “School is really long in the day and nobody wants to do anything when they get home.”


Though students may think this is the easier option, teachers notice procrastination in their classrooms.


“Where I notice it the most is with reading,” said Language Arts teacher Angela Hunt.


Teachers make a hard case, using scare tactics to warn against procrastination, but even they are susceptible.


Hunt said, “I totally do [procrastinate], especially in undergraduate school, I would just keep putting off papers and just stay up the night before writing.”


Social media and texting are students’ primary means of procrastination, and they sit on their phones for hours at a time.


Junior Samantha Anthony said that she procrastinates by “sitting on [her] phone, mostly on Instagram.”


Maybe, one day, high school students will end the procrastination epidemic, but that is a problem for another time.