A Reflection on the Emergence of Meme Clubs at Fairview
February 5, 2019
Fairview is known to have a smorgasbord of clubs and activities, so I decided to go and sit down with the leaders of three of the most unique clubs: Davis Rudge from Cargo Shorts Fan Club (CS), Sean Hinds from Basketball Shorts Fan Club (BS) and Carr Tancing from Bird Watchers Club (BW).
Q: How did you come about the idea to create your club?
CS: I feel like a lot of people don’t like cargo shorts and there is a stigma against them. I wanted a safe place for all my fellow fans of cargo shorts to get together and talk about our love of the product. We don’t do pants, only shorts. The cargo shorts have the right amount of pockets.
BS: I saw the Cargo Shorts Fan Club on Instagram, and I was sitting there in my basketball shorts and decided there needed to be another club. Then I made the Basketball Shorts Fan Club and now we are rivals.
BW: Birdwatchers club started from my deep fascination of birds. I love birds. There are a large number of people who don’t believe birds are real, they believe they are drones. I want to prove to those non-believers that birds are real.
Q: What is the goal of your club?
CS: My goal is really to educate everyone about the values of cargo shorts. Right now, in the winter months, it is important for people to know that they are not just summer clothing. I walk to school in snow and I’m fine. Look at basketball shorts club, he’s wearing jeans! I want to make other people wearing cargo shorts feel empowered and safe. I even inspired a Boulder High Cargo Shorts Fan Club to start.
BS: My goal is to have everyone who wears basketball shorts on a daily basis feel included. I want people to meet and discuss their favorite basketball shorts, and maybe talk about why they are better than some other shorts. It creates some more competition.
BW: My goal is to educate the people who think birds are drones and prove that they are real. I mean, some people are saying that birds aren’t flying because of the government shutdown. It keeps me up at night, it really does. We’ve tried to capture us touching a bird on video to prove to the lost souls that birds are real. It started being satirical and now we are very serious.