Motivational Mondays with Anya Week #7

Anya Aidun, Entertainment Section Editor

Welcome back to another episode of Motivational Mondays with Anya! In this week’s video, I would like to introduce one of the best television series of all time: Brooklyn Nine-Nine. I enjoy shows that are interesting, engaging, but also incredibly funny. For me, television should recharge you as much as it should entertain you. Envision a show that combines the humor and mystery of Psych with the comradery and hilarity of The Office; that is what Brooklyn Nine-Nine embodies. In this clip Detective Peralta, one of the main characters is trying to solve a case by having all the suspects sing “I Want It That Way” by the Backstreet Boys to a victim’s sister. Throughout the entire song, Peralta and the suspects perform a heartwarming rendition of the classic song only to have the victim’s sister confirm that, in fact, number five killed her brother. I encourage all of you to watch, laugh, and enjoy and realize the masterpiece that is Brooklyn Nine-Nine. As always, if you enjoyed this video please leave a comment (it hasn’t happened yet but I’m very excited)!