Snow Day declared for Fairview High School

Emi Ambory, Social Media Editor

Over the past few days, Loveland Ski Resort has accumulated 30 inches and Breckenridge Ski Resort has accumulated 4 more than that. Eldora (the closest and, therefore, most popular ski resort for students) has opened a few runs early due to a fresh 4 inches, creating a cumulative 12 inches.


Students and teachers alike have “called in sick” in order to embrace their first chance to ski or snowboard this ski season


“No, really I have a fever. My mom called the attendance office,” said senior Natalia Brett who had posted a photo of a ski lift on her Snapchat Story.


Though there is no snow on the ground in Boulder, BVSD Assistant to the Assistant to the Superintendent, Susan F. Airview believed a snow day was necessary to accommodate for the nearly empty classrooms in light of the fresh powder.


“I mean they’re not showing up either way. I just wanted to control the narrative,” said Airview. “Also, I want to go skiing.”


This sudden snow day will extend Thanksgiving Break for all suddenly ill members of the Fairview community.


Sophomore Ariana Sato said, “I really just need this time to rest.”